Music at Church of the Advent
"When we sing, we pray twice" --St. Augustine
Music is a vital part of our worship and helps us express the inexpressible through the God-given gift of song. Through congregational hymns, psalmody, instrumental music, and choral offerings we raise our prayers and praise to our Creator.
Church of the Advent Choristers with guest singers and musicians from the community after performing "Colors of Grace," a Lenten cantata by Joseph Martin.
Adult Choir
The Adult Choir is a volunteer ensemble responsible for singing the weekly 11 a.m. Eucharist, as well as other major services such as Lessons and Carols, Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday and occasional services of choral evensong. Rehearsals generally take place on Sunday mornings from 9:30 a.m. – 10:40 a.m., and occasionally on Saturdays. The adult choir offers parishioners with a love of singing, regardless of prior choral experience, an opportunity lead and praise God while enjoying Christian fellowship and community in a supportive environment. If you are interested in learning more or in joining us, please speak with Brandon Woody, our organist/choir director.
Youth Choir
- Beginning in September, Church of the Advent will initiate its choir school. COA's Choir School is open to all students ages 4th through 6th grade. No previous training is required, and there is no audition. A commitment to attend all rehearsals and all scheduled performances is the only requirement.
- Our goals are to:
- Provide solid musical instruction in a friendly and fun environment of mutual respect and achievement;
- Create an opportunity for children to grow in musical and spiritual strengths that nurture their growth;
- Provide children of diverse abilities and backgrounds with a program of music appreciation and choral performance that seeks to fulfill each child’s musical potential.
Seasonal Musicians
COA is privileged to have several parishoners who play various instruments and/or sing. These individuals share their talents seasonally at special services, especially Easter and Christmas. If you have a musical talent you would like to share in worship, please let Brandon know.
Community Choir
Plans are currently being made for our 2nd Annual Community Cantata. If you would like to sing or play an instrument, please let Brandon know.